Why Strong Women Leave Men They Love – What Every Man Needs to Know Part. 1

Women tend to invest a lot in a relationship; they put their hearts and soul into it. They trust blindly, care immensely and love recklessly. Most women don’t put themselves first when they are truly in love. My home girl fell in love with a guy who treated her wrong in so many ways. She trusted him and gave him everything she had. She refused to look past the false image of him she had created for herself. Her idea of a perfect relationship was petty and shallow. She didn’t realize the wrong she was doing to herself; until she was finally out of the relationship.

Men, if and when chosen, wants to be selected by a strongindependent woman; the kind of woman who knows her worth, that respects herself and knows how to make others respect her. The moment a woman learns to love and respect herself, she gains the ability to evaluate her relationship better and make better choices. She prepares herself to leave the man she loves, not because she is not loyal but because she now knows that, her love for this guy, was for the wrong reasons. Every meaningless thing suddenly starts to make sense. Below are some of the reasons that make women leave the men they love.

1. Lack of common interests are not a good sign

Okay, before I say anything, I want you to know that people change with time. The person you are with changes every-day!!! It might be you or it might be your partner. It is very true that opposites attract, but you both should have some common qualities and interests. If you transitioned, it’s not necessary that your partner transitioned with you. It was these common interests that initially helped you both bond, their absence will have a drastic effect on your relationship.
Any girl would be left questioning her decisions. My home girls ex used to adore so many things about her but by the end of the relationship, her guy started to disapprove of almost everything she did.

2. Lack of communication will kill you

Women need someone to talk to, it is nearly impossible for a guy to be by her side all the time but if you are not present and gone most of the time, you are giving her one less of a reason to hold on. If you are not with her every time she needs you, it’s almost like asking her to leave. My home girl’s ex-guy would get missing for days without any explanation.
Please note: “being there” means that you need to be mentally and emotionally present. You need to “listen” to her, not just nod your head at everything she says while playing the X-box. Pay attention, become a valid part of the conversation and make the conversation lively. That’s the only way you can strengthen communication between the two of you and make your relationship stronger.

3. Physical Intimacy is very important

Women need just as much physical intimacy as men. If you stop making sexual advances or are not taking care of her needs, she is probably going to think that there is someone else who is taking care of your desires for you. She is probably going to feel unwanted and worthless which will be very damaging for your relationship.
Being physically intimate says a lot of things to your woman. Yes, not everyone who gets-it-in is in love, but love is the number one reason people have sex. If you care about your partner and their needs in bed, women will have an assurance that your relationship is something worth holding on to and that there is something still there between you two.
Please Note: Don’t confuse LOVE with LUST. I’m not talking about lust here. Lust can only survive for a while, love stays forever. You can only feel lust for someone for so long, and then it will go away and you won’t be attracted to them anymore. When you love someone, you are more attracted to them, and it’s natural.

4. Selfishness takes over

You are more invested into activities that please you, the less time you give her, the more distant she starts to feel which hurts your relationship. Women want to be and like to be a priority, not an option. They don’t want to be treated as a part-time chick or a side chick. If you want to do you and be left alone, she will eventually pick up on the vibes and energy you given off and after that she will seriously consider leaving you alone for good.
Remember, a relationship is an amalgam of things connected to one another giving you both reasons to hold on to one another. If these connections don’t exist anymore, your lady will no longer feel inclined to stay by your side. The biggest thing a woman needs is assurance and security. If your aren’t for filling your promises and not putting effort into your relationship, it will pull her apart bit by bit, to a point that she wouldn’t want to commit anymore and will probably look around for a new romance. A woman, unlike girls, doesn’t believe in fairy tales. She is a practical person and even though she would be very much in love with you, she would run out of reasons to hold on and when she does she will walk away.

5. Insecurities

Insecurities slowly kill any and all relationships eventually. When a woman is insecure, everything and everybody, especially other females become a perceived threat. Insecure people ruin more relationships than textingand sexting…which is a totally different topic in my next blog.
When a woman feels like her man is insecure, it’s a huge turn off. A man should have faith and trust in his woman, he shouldn’t be snooping around and he shouldn’t be asking her a million questions every day. If THIS sounds like you or the person you are with it could be you are insecure about the person you claim you love. Love comes with trust and trust kills insecurities. Learn to trust your partner!

6. Too many lies

Keep it 100. Matter-a-fact, keep it 1,000. If you follow me on social media, you know firsthand I’m going to keep it all the way real with you. It’s not acceptable to lie to the person you love. Relationships are built on the trust and lying is just a way to throw your relationship out the window. Keeping up with lies at some point becomes hard work. One way or the other, your girl will eventually find out that you lied and that’ll be the end of your relationship (or at least the trust they had for you will never be the same).

When you lie to someone once, not only is it a sign of disrespect but it also says a lot about how you really feel about your woman and your relationship. But more importantly, it means that you’ll at some point lie to them again. If you don’t want to drive your woman away from you, don’t hide things, look sneaky, act guilty and don’t lie. Speaking the truth may hurt them but speak truthfully and be honest!

Talk to your boy

Ladies, can you relate? Have you had similar experiences in your life? Have you experienced something different? Let me know about them in the comments below. And as always, stay strong and don’t give up on love!

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