Build Your Brand In Silence

My Facebook Journey

Unless you are famous (i.e. Celebrity, Movie Star, Superstar Athlete or Entertainer), it is really hard to amass a huge following on social media. For the average person or business, growing your following takes time and attention on a daily basis.

Cultivate an Organic Following

As I often say, "embrace the grind, enjoy the climb."  This is also true when building and growing your following. Once I reached 5,000 "friends" on Facebook, I was prompted to start a "Fan Page" giving the fact I had pretty good engagement on my profile page. Mark Zuckerberg promised that my "5,000" friends would be converted to fans and instead, only 525 were converted to "fans." How disappointed I was!!!

Initially I was upset about it but over time I just accepted it for what it was. Then, quietly I began to carve out my niche and develop my thoughts around how I wanted to impact the world. Getting "Likes" was one of the hardest things to do starting off. With everything I had going on, it was hard to dedicate a lot of time to building and growing my brand and a Fan Page with no interaction, no reach and very few people paying attention. I must admit, it was depressing at times. But…

I stayed consistent. Always tactful in my speech, and a giftedness with words, I consistently put out good content. Good content over time, translated into likes. Likes began to turn into shares. Shares began to turn into what you now have today; A internationally known-unknown figure that post-and-quotes reaches 27 Million people per post around the world.

Building My Personal Brand

As I write this, I am still building my brand and trying to perfect the little nuances that come with being a Social Media Celebrity, now that a little light has come my way. Simultaneously in conjunction with social media, I leverage who I am and what I do in real life as well as what I post to continue to tell my story and shape my brand. I am very cautious about a lot of things especially not getting boxed in by fans or people into thinking you only can say things about a certain topic. I am well rounded and very aware of all of my gifts so I try to be as authentic as possible in the things I put out because the truth is, I am passionate and conscious about a variety of things.

I still view myself as a relatively unknown figure and believes this allows me to still make small mistakes while minimizing negative criticism. I can still grow at a pace that is consistent with God's timing for my life by continuing to reach who I am called to reach. I have not ventured into digital media yet but I am very well aware of the power of video and its impact on people. Because I am meticulously building my brand, I can grow at my own pace. I can take the time to figure out how to work a camera, edit and post on social media but in the mean time, I am just enjoying the journey.

**Ways to connect**
Lets work together to "Expand Your Brand" - click here
Everyone has a book inside of them. "Tell Your Truth" - click here
Personally Signed Copy of my best-selling book - click here

I would love to hear your thoughts on how you built your brand. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

**NEW Book Coming Soon**

Finding Real Love in the Love & Hip Hop Era


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