
Do you desire to start your own business? Do you want to do your own thing? Do you have a great idea or concept but just don't know what to do to get started? If you answered YES to any of the questions asked, then this blog is for you....so call up a friend and read this together.

My Story (Short Version)
I've always had an Entreprenuerial Spirit, some refer to it as a Hustlers Mentality or a Hustlers Spirit. Simply put, I am a Go-Getter, filled with ambition and drive to make things happen. I'm self-motivated. Growing up, I had my thoughts about a 9-5 mainly due to how it was looked down upon by those in my environment. But I was conflicted on the issue as well because my mom and dad were both hard working people. If nothing else, I knew what it was to work. I had two examples of working-parents growing up who at least had a check every two weeks as my mom would say and my dad was a Entreprenuer as well.

When I earned my Master's Degree at a young age, I was torn between working a traditional job and doing my own thing. Because youth was on my side, I decided to try a traditional job, mainly to see how much I could get paid for having a Masters Degree. I began to build my business on the side, outside of work, before work and on the weekends.  What I found out about work though, is that it gave me a built-in network. I had access to people I otherwise wouldn't have access to. I never brought my work to work but through social media and other outlets, over time, people would hear of the things I was doing outside of work or in the community. I learned that my colleagues and coworkers were some of my biggest supporters (volunteering, donating time, monetary gifts, etc.) sometimes moreso than family, who often doubt you and don't really believe in your vision. At the sametime, not all co-workers were supportive. Some envy you and others will try to shoot down your dreams. Some spread lies while others make the case that your working on your dream job while on the clock at your traditional job. My advice, tread softly. Don't mix the two. But build your dream before-work, after-work and on the weekends like I did. Get up at 5:00am or earlier if possible. Work while everyone else is asleep. Before you know it, you'll have created several streams of income. Once your vision starts to turn a profit that is comparable to the job you work, then you have a decison to make...Do I leave or do I stay? For now, I choose to work and have my own thing on the side. I actually LOVE what I do so to be honest I feel like I haven't worked a day in my life before. Figure out what works for you!!!! Thats what I did.

Branding Yourself
Remember, like with anything, EVERYTHING starts with you!!!! Nothing will work, unless you do. It is important to understand that you are your brand. How you act, how you talk, places you go, things you do and things you watch (God didn't call you to watch Housewives of Atlanta every week. You have a purpose.)....everything matters. How do others perceive you? What does your brand say about you? I often say, "Be Careful How You Live." Once I discovered my Purpose, branding myself became easy. Remember God said we (you & me) were created in His image. 

Find Your Lane. Stay in Your Lane. Be Authentic
If you are really serious about starting your own business or being your own boss, I need you to stop what you are doing right now and say "Lord, I'm listening. Speak to me." Its important to hear from God and allow him to do the advancing in your life. Understand, if the Lord is not in what it is your trying to do, then it won't last. You might experience short-term or temporary success, but it will not last. I know what my Purpose is....You need to go ask God what your Purpose is. The door I walked through might not be for you. Feel me. That is why it is important to find your lane. Find what it is you are passionate about that can also make you an honest living. I tell folk all the time, "If you love what you do, and do what you love, you will never work a day in your life." I haven't worked a day in my life. Why? Because everything I do is connected to my Purpose. 

Real Recognize Real. So be you. Be the best version of you. Remember, you cheat God when you copy the next person. Be Real. Be Authentic. There is something in your heart that God has destined you to do. But if you don't ask Him, He won't answer you. - Lord, speak to me about my Purpose. Say that everyday until you hear from him.

Relationship = Resources
I learned this the hard way. Its not what you know, its who you know! - I'm sure you guys have heard my stories about the degrees... how I earned them at a young age, right....Well let me tell you, those degrees did absolutely nothing for me. Thank God I wasn't the type of guy to get caught up in titles or how many letters are behind my name. See, I didn't start out on 3rd base like many of my peers....so to get to where I am today, I had to step up to the plate, hit the ball, and run all three bases while ducking and dodging bullets, police, temptation, drugs, violence, haters and lack of men before me willing to reach back and lend a hand. 

Everybody can't be HATERS. Believe it or not, you do need some people on your TEAM. You have to find two types of people: 1.) Those who Believe in You. 2.) Those who will INVEST in YOU. No matter what anybody tells you, no one ever saw Glory without first getting help from someone else. The most important person to have in your corner is God, because unlike" man", God will never send you to voicemail. He promised to never leave you or forsake you. No prayer every missed his desk. Feel me. Remember, your NETWORK (people you hang around) equals your NETWORTH (The total amount of money everybody you hang around with have) that is why Relationship Building is so important because the thing about it is, if God is in it, you don't have to look for people, God will send people to you.

Every "NO" gets you closer to your "YES"
Getting told "No" can shake your confidence. That is why you have to put the Full Armor of God on before becoming a CEO. Have you figured out that some people enjoy watching you struggle? Getting told NO is what thickens your skin. Its actually a good thing once you are in business, because you are already experienced with dealing with setbacks, people who doubt you, telling you not now, etc. Learn to develop a Attitude of Gratitude. Every morning I tweet "Embrace the Grind. Enjoy the Climb." Why" Because in order to fulfill God's plan for your life you have to weather some storms. 

The last thing I always ask is: Can you work when nobody celebrates you? Delayed Gratification is the name of this game. No such thing as overnight success. What happens is, many people see the end result without considering the journey, so, often times, they believe that you've arrived at the top overnight. Definitely not the case. Learn to thank God for the journey. In the beginning there will be more bad days than good days but if you get the right umbrella and learn to dance in the rain....The sun will soon follow. 

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