Be The Best Version of You. Everyone else is already taken.

Thursday, Oct. 31st, 2013

Do you know that God created YOU in His image? 

Not sure if you know it, but you to are fearfully and wonderfully made. I am blessed. Yes, its no secret and because I am blessed, I desire to be a blessing to others. There was a point and time in my life, when I did not know who I was. See, my identity was wrapped up in what I did (which was play football) which became who I was. Before I formed a relationship with the Lord, I did not know God created me...and you in His image. I was chasing a look of success or what I believed to be socially accepted by the world. During that time, God could not trust me. He could not trust my flesh. He could not trust me with finances. He could not trust me with women...
When God can't trust you, He can't use you!
I learned this the hard way. See many see the end result but never consider the journey. I have learned to embrace the grind, while enjoying the climb. Can God trust you? For me, I was determined to get in rightstanding with the Lord. I had wen hard for the other side for so long...and it got me nowhere. I decided it was time to try something different. I concecrated my life and made up in my mind that I was going to go just as hard for the Kingdom. See, I did so much to Embarrass the Kingdom I didn't think it was possible for God to use me or forgive me. But along the way, I found out that His blessings are renewed daily.
God has a plan for your life. He has plans to see you prosper. I followed my own planned for the longest before realizing that my plan was not leading me anywhere. It was not until I asked God to show me the way I began to see change. I asked God to take care of all my arrangements and He told me He would if I allowed Him to order my steps. See, as a ball player, I thought it would be my athletic gifts and abilities that would allow me to travel the country. I thought football was my ticket to traveling the world and seeing great wealth. Boy was I wrong. I must say sports, football in particular played a huge role in my life but God had a different plan for my life. God's plan for my life included much of the samething, you know, traveling the country, performing in front of thousands but his plan had a twist to it. A football was not involved nor was the platform that you get when you become a professional athlete.
Once God knew He could trust me, He knew he could use me...
I will admit, I am the least likeliest guy to do any of the things I am currently doing but because God loved me enough, he is now allowing me to travel the country and speak into the lives of others, in front of audiences I never imagined I would be speaking in front of. Please...don't recognize me, recognize God. I give Him all the praise. To God be the Glory. Who would have ever thought... 

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