Spend as much time planning you MARRIAGE as you do planning your WEDDING

Spend as much time planning you MARRIAGE as you do planning your WEDDING

The man who finds a wife, finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And like any great relationship, it gets better with time. I can admit, I am the least likliest guy to be married so for me, It feels so good to love one woman like she's the only woman in the world. Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.


Ladies if marriage isn't the goal, then whats the point in dating? At this point, you've had a "boo" a "bae" a "thats-my-heart" and whatever other title you give to guys your involved with. Its time to transition from "play-dates" to situations that are leading you toward marriage. In order to reach this place you must first be content with who you are. So, first, you have to: Let go of the person who has been let go of you. Remember, Nobody deserves to get zero-in-return from a person who they give their all to. Raise your expectations. Look for a man that is afters God's heart. This doesn't mean grab you a lame, or some random joker. Remember, A man can't be the head of his home until God is the head of his heart! Dont get Love confused with Lust. They are not related. Sometimes loving is letting go! Do you know that there is someone out just for you? There is a man looking for you just the way God made you! If you change too much he won't recognize you when he sees you. In the meantime play that "Cater to you" by Beyonce and while you're waiting for Mr. Right keep working on yourself! Learn to be content with what you have while you pursue what you want. You must have Patience.

Ladies, Your Adam won't come when u want but he'll come when you're ready! Embrace being by yourself. Look at it as an opportunity to get to knowYOU better. Being single doesn't equal being desperate. Sometimes you are waiting for what you deserve, and not what's easily attainable. We had to revisit patience again and heres why:Treating the wrong person all the right ways won't make them the right one. Wait for whats meant for you!!! Be careful who you open up to. Only a few people actually care, the rest are just curious. Know your circle. Know who you can trust with your process and know who needs to be updated at a later time. Its not being fake. Its called Guarding Your Heart. Once you realize what says about guarding your heart, you will realize that the people you want most in your life, are sometimes the people you're best without. - Prepare for Marriage not just your Wedding.


Fellas, marriage is the key that will unlock your breakthrough. If I can keep it 100 with you guys for a minute, I want to share a portion of my story. First off, I was the least likliest guy to get married. Why? Because I loved the Playboy Life Style and Flourished in it. Along the way when I was growing up somebody lied to me. See, all along I thought it was some type of status symbol, a badge of honor even, to have the most girls. We called it being a Player / Playa. It wasn't until I came to the Lord and started going hard for the Kingdom that I realized I was not a Player...I was a Womanizer. See, God gives us all gifts, and I had plenty of them, one of which was the right broom to sweep almost any girl off of her feet if I tried hard enough (also known as Game-Charm-Charisma-Swag, etc). I abused that gift. I disappointed God.

If your not ready for marriage, its okay. Trust me, you will know when you truly are ready. Make sure to get EVERYTHANG out of your system prior to marriage. Because once you step up to that plate, you have to put away childish things. Before I got married, God couldn't trust me. When God can't trust you, He can't use you. I use to always wonder how come I could never catch-a-break or why things never seemed to go my. I had to submit to His will and turn from my wicked ways. And once I did, things started to change. I started having small-victories here-and-there, I began to grow closer to Lord. Once I got married...the flood gates opened. For once I did something that was pleasing to him.I then all of a sudden got a call from a job I had been after for a while. I was writing my first book at the time preparing to speak more consistently, but before I could even finish my book, God made provisions for me to travel the country to speak. I'm thinking to myself, wait-a-minute? This type of stuff don't happen to me. It was nobody but God. Can God Trust You? See, once he knew he could trust me, He would bless me with little things. He wanted me to demonstrate my obedience. I showed Him, He could trust me with a little....He began to give me more. God told me, if I messed around with any chic while on my speaking tour, I would never travel anywhere again....I want to show Him He could trust me. I stayed in my Hotel Room every state I traveled to. I was determined to see if I remained faithful and obedient, what all would He trust me with.

You think women are after you now, wait until you get married and see how many more will be after you. Its important you learn to resist temptation. Don't make your woman look like a fool. No woman wants to be laughed at behind her back. Remember, Do the things you did to get her. Because, what you won't do, someone else will! Stay on top of your game if you want to keep what's yours! Be about your word. Do what you say your going to do and be where you say your going to be.

Happy Wife = Happy Life. Don't add to a womans trust issues when she's working hard to get pass them.

Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Ephesians 5:25

I hoped this post sparked some great thoughts and I would love to hear them.

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