5 Tips To Improve Your Personal Brand on Instagram

Build a following around your personal brand

Instagram is a great platform for providing value to others, connecting with people, customers and brands through visual imagery. However, getting good at Instagram takes work and can be difficult.
1. Define Your Brand
What does your brand represent? Figuring out what your brand is and who your brand represents, is by far one of the toughest but most imperative steps in building your personal brand on your Instagram. It's important to take some time to think about who your ideal audience is, and what you'll be offering them, to ensure that you're providing value.
Find your lane. Know your lane. Basically ask yourself what is your thing? Don't be afraid to dig deep to find your niche. Finding or having a niche is actually a good thing. It allows you to lock in on your brand message as well as provide you with a clear mission, while helping your fans, supporters or followers (and potential followers) immediately understand what you're offering.
Every audiences has their number one Instagram page for inspiration or fashion tips, so generally speaking, what will they know you and or come to you for?"
2. Go Dumb
Often times, people that are new to Instagram are hesitant and sometimes leery about using hashtags; they worry that if they have too many, they might look crazy. But hashtag use is the key to discoverability on Instagram, so go dumb with it.
One of the easiest ways to inject your account into the larger Instagram conversation is to “Go Crazy” by hash-tagging all your post. Copy and Paste your hashtags in your phone and add them every time you share new content. Choose the appropriate hashtags so that it is in line with your Instagram post.
Use the search bar to get a sense of which hashtags might be most engaging. Check out the tags being used on similar accounts in your lane, then try entering one of those tags in the Search tab to see a list of related tags. If you scroll through those suggestions, you can dig into the full web of related tags. Try a few and see if you notice an uptick in likes and follows. I am almost certain you will!"

3. Interact & Show Love
When it comes to Instagram, having a pretty page or the perfect layout means nothing if you don't interact and engage with your intended audience.
The key to building a community, is to identify the right kind of influencers and active accounts you see as similar to you or part of your ideal audience, and spend time engaging with them. "Follow them, like their photos and comment - - that’s called showing love. That is interaction. These types of actions on Instagram, when done consistently will likely lead to them following you and liking your photos.
The “Interact & Show Love” relationships go a long way when it comes to building your brand and growing your followers. In order to get, you must give. Reciprocal relationships i.e. liking and commenting help increase your own engagement, but when users see accounts they like engaging with you, it acts as social proof, offering you credibility and increasingly the likelihood that other accounts will see yours as valuable, too.
4. Show up Daily
Instagram is not Twitter. Unlike other platforms, where you can schedule post with scheduling tools like Hootsuite & EveryPost to help keep your other social media accounts rolling while you focus on other initiatives, Instagram requires you to be constant.
Lacking for just a day or two on Instagram will cause a decrease in reach and engagement on your own page. At the very minimal, you should post at least one time per day although I personally recommend posting at least three times per day, while engaging with your followers through likes, comments and follows with the same degree of regularity in order to keep things consistent.
5. Cross-Promote
Cultivate your relationships on other social media platforms to maximize your Instagram experience. Share post on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn if appropriate. Be sure to tweak certain post as what might work on Instagram might not do as well on Facebook.
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Chris Sain Jr. is Founder & CEO of Chris Inc., a best-selling author and a renowned motivational speaker. Check out his latest book Finding Real Love in the Love & Hip Hop Era.


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