The Business of Being an Author: Whats Next?

Self Publishing

Growing up, I had a desire to write, it actually began as a coping mechanism because I didn't talk much as a kid, then, I noticed, writing became therapeutic. It came easy.  But…in addition to my desire to write, I had a desire to inspire people. Change lives!!!

The way I went about inspiring others and changing lives was by telling my truth. And…on the journey, I have experienced some amazing things. I have met so many amazing people and I have amassed a huge following. Over time, my cult like following turned into opportunities to market, advertise and promote products for big brands (Brand Ambassador) and occassional paid promotional tweets, post, etc.

Traditional Publishing

Before now, I have never thought about "traditional publishing." Why would I? I sell over a hundred books a week on My desire has always been to maintain creative control of all of my work from the titles of my books to the designs of the front and back covers. Aware of my purpose, the vision for my life and the direction for my writing, I believe I know how to appeal to my target audience better than anybody else. As a result, I have carved out a niche that has brought me great success for a guy with no team, no agent, no platform and no name.

I am at a point now, where none of that matters. Personally and professionally, I am interested in new opportunities, new relationships and new experiences. For a self-published author, some will say I have done well. Some may beg to differ. However, I know I can do even more. I just need some help finding those that are looking for me.

Looking for a Literary Agent and a Book Publisher constitutes as uncharted waters for me. As far as being an author, all I know how to do is sell massive amount of books, inspire people and change lives…and write really dope books!!!

My wish list includes: 

  • Little Brown and Company
  • Zondervan
  • Tyndale House Publishers
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Penguin Random House
  • B&H Publishing Group
  • and any other good publisher I have not mentioned


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