
Showing posts from February, 2016

Why Strong Women Leave Men They Love - What Every Man Needs To Know Part 2.

7. No personal space One of my close female friends recently broke up with her guy because he smothered her and refuse to give her space. Couldn’t go to the store, couldn’t go get her nails done, couldn’t do anything!!! Personal space is extremely vital for all of us. We can’t be our true selves with others unless we get to spend personal and alone time with ourselves and do our own activities away from our significant other. “Doin You” and hanging out with your friends or people you are close to is necessary. If you want to make your woman love and respect you more, give her the space she needs to grow on her own. It doesn’t make you a bad boyfriend or husband if you let your girl have her space and do her own thing! 8. Being “unattached” or “emotionally unavailable” Being unattached and emotionally unavailable is one of the worst things you can be to your significant other. She doesn’t want you to just hang out with her, go to fancy dinners with her, watch a mov

Why Strong Women Leave Men They Love – What Every Man Needs to Know Part. 1

Women tend to invest a lot in a relationship ; they put their hearts and soul into it. They trust blindly, care immensely and love recklessly. Most women don’t put themselves first when they are truly in love. My home girl fell in love with a guy who treated her wrong in so many ways. She trusted him and gave him everything she had. She refused to look past the false image of him she had created for herself. Her idea of a perfect relationship was petty and shallow. She didn’t realize the wrong she was doing to herself; until she was finally out of the relationship. Men, if and when chosen, wants to be selected by a strongindependent woman ; the kind of woman who knows her worth, that respects herself and knows how to make others respect her. The moment a woman learns to love and respect herself, she gains the ability to evaluate her relationship better and make better choices. She prepares herself to leave the man she loves, not because she is not loyal but because she now kno

Build Your Brand In Silence

My Facebook Journey Unless you are famous (i.e. Celebrity, Movie Star, Superstar Athlete or Entertainer) , it is really hard to amass a huge following on social media. For the average person or business, growing your following takes time and attention on a daily basis. Cultivate an Organic Following As I often say, "embrace the grind, enjoy the climb."  This is also true when building and growing your following. Once I reached 5,000 "friends" on Facebook, I was prompted to start a "Fan Page" giving the fact I had pretty good engagement on my profile page. Mark Zuckerberg promised that my "5,000" friends would be converted to fans and instead, only 525 were converted to "fans." How disappointed I was!!! Initially I was upset about it but over time I just accepted it for what it was. Then, quietly I began to carve out my niche and develop my thoughts around how I wanted to impact the world. Getting "Likes" was one

The Business of Being an Author Pt. 1

How to make $10K − $100K in 9 months Overview My Success Model 1.) Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.   ~ Matthew 6:33 God is the author and finisher of my life. He orders my steps and does the advancing in my life. I do not have an agent or manager. Its just me and God. I don't have a publicist. Its just me and God. If I can do it, anybody can do it. His instructions to me were simple: Reach who you are called to reach. You will lose yourself trying to reach the masses. 2.) Write the VISION; make it PLAIN ~ Habakkuk 2:2 If you fail to plan you essentially plan to fail. 90% of people are going through the motions in life. 95% percent of people are playing around and posting pointless stuff on social media. No real vision for why they do what they do. With me, everything has a purpose. At meetings, at work and on social media, I have a purpose. I have a strategic plan and vision for my life. I have no was