
Showing posts from 2014

It's Not Mandatory We Go To Prison

It's Not Mandatory We Go To Prison  Chris Sain Jr. Educator, Speaker, Author on his  "Its Not Mandatory We Go To Prison Tour" There are almost 2.1 million people in prison. Approximately 40% are African American Males. One in every three black males born today can expect to go to prison at some point in their life. America ridicules, persecutes and criticizes the black child but never discusses what it has done to the black father . Mass media ideas, dramatically reinforce some of the most negative conceptions of black & brown ppl. Those perceptions also drive policy.  This is why I do what I do! Its Okay To Be Great We all make mistakes. No one on this earth is perfect and like many people I know, I to have had my fair share of not-so-good-moments. But, the goal in life is to not let our past mistakes dictate our future.The reality I share with low income, poverty stricken youth growing up in inner-cities around the country is; Don't let the fact

Why Race Never Mattered to Me

Why Race Never Mattered If you love God, you love people. If you love people, you love God. Its as simple as that!!!  Meet Tony Thomson Why Race Never Mattered To Me To make it plain: There are some people, who don't look like me, that have done more for me than people who do!!! Tony is one of those people.  I first met Tony, who at the time was the Director of Counseling and Health Services at Saginaw Valley State University while doing my internship. He was the first white man that demonstrated genuine care & concern toward me. A student-athlete at the time, he helped me discover other gifts and talents I had outside of sports. He taught me the Macro side of Social Work. Like everywhere I have ever been, I was the only black guy working in his office but I never felt like an outcast around Tony. Tony and Jennifer Ordway showed me and every other student in that office love on a consistent basis. They never treated me like an intern. They treated

Fatherhood: Two Fathers. One son.

Two Fathers. One Son. Fatherhood The media will never tell you about such a story nor will producers of reality television depict such a thing. Most people think I'm lying when I tell them but the truth of the matter is we are two fathers raising one son. We get along. We have a great relationship. We are not petty young fathers…never have been and never will be. See, whats funny is, most people don't think this exist.  I am referring to Billy Collins Jr. A standup guy. A great father. A great person and a great man. He has been that way since I met him…at a house party at Michigan State. No…he was not in the party act'n a fool, he was chill, the way he always is. When two cool guys are in a space together, they usually say "what up" and genuinely acknowledge each other and keep it moving. That's what we did. I had no idea the same guy had a son. Nor did I know who the mother of his child was. Small world I know. Every two weeks we m

Book Preview: Dumb Athlete by Chris Sain Jr.

New book... coming soon.... Dumb Athlete How My Biggest Fear Became My Biggest Motivator Sneak Peak Preview: Book Description Not all legend is about victory. Sometimes it’s about the struggle. Spearheaded by the media’s portrayal of African American men, it is believed by many, that most urban inner-city youth will be dead or in jail by twenty-five. Although cliché, with high school drop-out rates escalating and unemployment impacting minorities much more severely than other races, today’s urban youth who lack hope and direction, have embraced dying young or spending the rest of their lives in prison. Faced with some of the same challenges and growing up under the same conditions, how, then, did one grow up to be more than what society expected and predicted? More afraid of being labeled “dumb,” than dying or going to prison, Chris, with book smarts, street smarts and common sense, earned both a Bachelors and Master’s Degree by the age of twenty-four, defyin

Chris Sain Jr. 24, Changed the Face of Therapy

Statistics said I'd be dead or in jail by 25. The data suggested that as a first generation college student, I didn't have the grit, the mental toughness and educational capacity to persist and earn a degree and that I was not "college material." The constant message I received from society and the media was that black men are failures. We are only good at going to prison.  Unfortunately, I didn't get the memo. Institutions of Higher Learning had not yet met me. Who was I? I was a young man determined to defy the odds. I was a young man that was Book Smart, Street Smart and had Common Sense and knew that institutions of Higher Learning had never seen an individual who possessed all three of these attributes and characteristics. I was a Urban Young Professional, wise beyond my years that blew the roof off of Michigan State University, Saginaw Valley State University and Wayne State University. At the age of 24, I graduated top of my class with a Mast

How to Lead Someone to Christ

The Process of Leading Someone to Christ Today we have Christians , you know, Believers who attend church, hear the word, get hype (catch the Holy Ghost) and get saved only to wake up Monday morning and completely forget what they are put here to do. Many Christians...YES, I am talking about Believers don't know their assignment. Many Christians have never been "shown", not just taught , how to lead others to Christ. Before I share the process of leading others to Christ, I want to make it very clear that as a Christian  YOUR assignment is to LEAD others to Christ, not just your Pastor . Please note, their are no qualifications needed to fulfill your assignment. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a degree to tell somebody about Jesus. In fact, God does not care about a degree. God does not care about a felony or criminal record. God doesn't care about your employment status. He does not care what church you attend. None of it matters. Sha