Why I Became An Investor

Chris Sain Jr. Top 40 under 40 Business Leader The Why My dad was and is to this day, the best businessman I have ever known . I am certain that over the course of his lifetime he earned well over a million dollars. I am not at all saying he or we, as a family were millionaires, in fact we were your average, maybe above average middle class family, but his business acumen took him very far in life as a businessman. Me on the other hand had no business acumen. As a kid, my dad told me to play and to have fun and to worry about work when I became an adult. My father instructed my brother and I to do this because growing up he didn't have much of a childhood and wanted different for us. So, as a kid, you listen to your dad. To be fortunate enough to actually have a dad in the home, you listen even more when your dad tells you something. So... Play is what I did. I played so much I became one of the best athletes to come out of Grand Rapids, Mich.... (r...