The "PUT A RING ON IT" Initiative

For nearly five years, Chris Sain Jr. founder of the “PUT A RING ON IT” initiative has been pouring into young men, specifically black men ages 35 and under that are either single and holding out on love or in a relationship but refuse to get married.

Chris Sain Jr. considered by many to be a relationship expert, but he willingly admits, he is the least likeliest of all men to get married, is also a domestic violence and sexual assault activist among other things says, “If you are over 35, in a relationship for three or more years with a person and you are still not married, you know better!!! You are playing games. I don’t seek to consult guys like that because as a man, you know better.”

The “PUT A RING ON IT” initiative was birthed because Chris decided to be to other young men what he wished someone were to him. "Married men I knew, never kept it real when asked about what married life is like." The number one answer every man gave was “It’s tough. Marriage is tough. It’s hard work.” As a young man who did not think marriage was for him, that answer only pushed Chris further away from even desiring to get married and left him with more questions: How is marriage tough? Why is marriage tough? What makes it tough? He wondered. – No man…Not one, ever answered this question. No man ever kept it real.

Now older and wiser, Chris thinks he now knows the reasons why men never offered much. “Most of them weren’t living right. They weren’t doing right and most likely had a woman on the side”, Chris says. As a speaker who travels the country to speak about love and relationships, he say's God can't use you if He can't trust you and talks about how being young-married-and-faithful has afforded him many opportunities he otherwise would not have.

Today, when Chris meets with young men, his questions are simple and to the point. Always firm, Chris says, most times he asks two questions especially when he meets a young man that is currently in a relationship with a good woman, “what is the hold up? What are you afraid of?” From there, men are usually able to open up and openly discuss their fears, their hesitation as well as ask any questions they have about the benefits of getting married. “For me, it’s more about a dialogue. It’s more about a conversation. Young men just need somebody to talk to, somebody that know, and someone who is going to tell them the truth and keep it real.”

A former Division I athlete who holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree (cognitive behavioral therapy), Chris is honest and admits he has a past with a variety of beautiful women dating back to high school and his time in college, where he attended Michigan State University, Saginaw Valley State University and Wayne State University. Now married and a devoted husband, Chris says, “I was who I was and I am who I am and I’m cool with both people. The old me no longer exist however, and because I speak from a place of lived experience and actually lived everything I challenge young men about, they quickly know, after about 2 minutes of talking to me, (whether they know my past or not) they know I understand this thing called love on a level that only a person who actually lived it can speak to on such a high level and in such a profound way.”

What is the “PUT A RING ON IT” Initiative?

The PUT A RING ON IT” initiative specifically targets men 35 and under who are single and contemplating marriage or men currently in a relationship delaying marriage. It is designed to;
  •        Encourage young couples to get married
  •        Have real conversations about the benefits of marriage
  •        Discuss the downside of shacking up
  •        Overcome fear of commitment
  •         And much more…

Pre-order a copy of his latest book, Finding Real Love in the Love & Hip-Hop Era (see below).
For a free consultation, men should contact Chris via Facebook For more about Chris visit


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