Chris Sain Jr. - Living a Vibrant Christian Faith

Living A Vibrant Christian Faith

We are sinners saved by grace through least I am. When I found out about God's forgiveness and how much he loved me, I was happy. I was relieved on the inside. A weight was lifted. I started goin hard for the Kingdom. Seriously. I had done so much "wrong" I didn't think there was a place for someone like me. I thought to myself, "How could He use me? I sin daily." See, but once I began to chase after His heart, dive deeper into the word (Bible) and get some understanding, I learned, or should I say, I discovered that I was a representative of God. And just think...Boy was representing Him in all the wrong ways. Thank God for Forgiveness-Favor-and-Deliverance. 

A few suggestions to Achieve A Vibrant Christian Faith

Seek a Spiritual Mentor or Coach
Get some Accountability Partners
Allow yourself to be challenged by others
Attend worship beyond just Saturday & Sundays
Seek Holiness not Happiness...Happiness follows Holiness
Be willing to walk alone
Pray daily individually
Form a prayer group
Carve out space and time for God, don't rely on free time
Show Compassion to God's People

Come out from among them

See, a long time ago I knew God had a plan for my life. But, because I was not listening the plan was never fully revealed to me. I now sit around some days and seriously, just think, wow, He's brought me this far with little compliance. If you knew me in my madness, I would have been described as non-compliant or better yet, incorrigible. I began to imagine what was in store for me once I submitted, became fully committed and began to listen. His grace did allow me to have some small victories in my life. I did experience some success but never to the extent that I knew it could be. I began to say "Speak Lord, ya boy (servant) is listening." I said, "Lord, I'm listening, speak to me." Looking back its funny, but have you figured out, God will not answer, if you don't ask the question? The Bible says, Faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes from the word of God. In order to hear from God, you have to spend time with him. Have you noticed, when your not in God's word on a regular basis, you go back to bad habits? Your Bad Habits often lead to a storm and 90% of the storms in your life are caused by you. Storms however, should not be seen as bad. Your storm is a part of God's script. Its His way of testing your character and faith. I've found out that not only am I responsible for most, if not all, the storms in my life but that it was also God's way of getting my attention. I've noticed that sometimes we give God the least amount of time. As Christians, sometimes we refuse to purge ourselves from our love affair with the world. At some point we must transition from fitting in, to standing out also known as coming out from among them. When I refused to listen, I was back at square one, this time asking "Lord, show me a sign that Your favor is still on my life."

Be Who You Are Called To Be Without Compromising Your Faith

My anointing is not in a title. It is in who I know. I am who I am and I happen to do a number of different things with the gifts He has given me. I am what 
God has made. I let that be known everywhere I go. God ain't done with me yet. As a matter-a-fact, He is just getting started. God told me, It is not my place to describe myself because that is what my gifts will do. "You will know the tree by the fruit that it bears", therefore you will know who I am and what I am about, by what I do with my life. It is true that "Your Actions will always follow your Beliefs." So find your Purpose and Live Out your Purpose. The door I walked through might not be for you. Find your purpose. Remember when you do, not everyone is going to be happy for you. Walk it out anyway!!! People won't embrace the New You....but so what. Remember, God gave you the vision, not them. Check this out, when you are operating in your Purpose, even your mistakes work toward your good. God helps those who help themselves. So don't just Pray, Take Action. Living in Faith is not comfortable. He knows that...but Favor is only obtained through obedience. 

You cannot hangout with negative people and expect to have a positive life. When your living a vibrant Christian life, not everyone will understand where you are going. So what. Love them anyway and remember to always be compassionate to Gods people. The people you want most in your life, are sometimes the people you are best without. Everybody won't understand your vision and thats okay. The Faith-Walk is a marathon. I use to complain about how people only saw the end result but never considered the journey. It was almost as if I resented the journey. But talking with my Spiritual Coach gave me clarity. When I think about the Lord and the things I am thankful for I now say "Lord, I want to thank you for the journey." 

Things to remember when you are seeking to live RIGHTeous
  1. Your character will always outweigh your credentials. 
  2. Nothing changes if nothing changes. 
  3. The Son of Man did not come to be served, He came to serve. 
  4. Can you work when nobody celebrates you? 
  5. You can't grace your way into the Kingdom. 
  6. Be encouraged daily because your yesterday doesn't matter to Him. 
  7. You are a returning citizen from the sin you were in.  
  8. Stop focusing on your limitations. 
  9. Your pain becomes your energy. 
  10. One must appreciate your pain to understand your victories. 
  11. I am who I am. I was who I was...and I'm ok with both of those people. 
  12. Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything. 
  13. You might not have got the breakthrough yesterday but know help is on the way! 
  14. Thank you, Lord. I'm motivated daily by knowing that regardless of my shortcomings yesterday that his "mercies are renewed every morning."
  15. Somebody is thinking about quitting. Giving up. But you are moments away from your breakthrough. 
  16. Be careful how you live.  
  17. Most of us started our journey in a deficit. - Spiritual Deficit. Financial Deficit. Moral Deficit. 
  18. You have outgrown other peoples expectations of you.  
  19. "Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord." Proverbs 23:17. 
  20. Can God get an Hour of your time? Don't rely on "free time" carve out space for God. 
  21. Your annointing is not in your title. Its in who you know (God). 
  22. Instead of using "I'm human" as an excuse to walk in the flesh, try using "I'm saved" as a reason to walk in the Spirit."
  23. Do that thing that's on your heart every hour of every day!! That's your ticket to peace & prosperity! 
  24. Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. 
  25. Learn to Pursue your PURPOSE without Compromising your faith. 

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