Hurricane Harvey Relief Challenge
Social Obligation Known for taking care of his community in his hometown of Grand Rapids, Mich. Chris Sain Jr. believes it's his duty as well as others to step up during times of need for those who need it most. When Hurricane Harvey hit, many of his followers, especially those from the Houston area reached out through the D.M.on Instagram and inbox on Facebook asking Chris for assistance. "I couldn't ignore their plea for help. After seeing the news and reading through countless messages, I thought to myself, what is the point of having influence and a large social media presence and platform and not use it for good, not use it to help others." Chris, one of several Social Media Influencers that are genuinely connected to his followers, gave them simple directions; "Those in Houston needs us therefore I need you to follow my lead and donate a $100 (or whatever you can) to help those impacted by Hurricane Harvey. To donate to the Housto...