Be The Best Version of You. Everyone else is already taken.
Thursday, Oct. 31st, 2013 Do you know that God created YOU in His image? Not sure if you know it, but you to are fearfully and wonderfully made. I am blessed. Yes, its no secret and because I am blessed, I desire to be a blessing to others. There was a point and time in my life, when I did not know who I was. See, my identity was wrapped up in what I did (which was play football) which became who I was. Before I formed a relationship with the Lord, I did not know God created me...and you in His image. I was chasing a look of success or what I believed to be socially accepted by the world. During that time, God could not trust me. He could not trust my flesh. He could not trust me with finances. He could not trust me with women... When God can't trust you , He can't use you ! I learned this the hard way. See many see the end result but never consider the journey. I have learned to embrace the grind, while enjoying the climb. Can God ...